
Publications: Sole Author

Marcus, Aaron,

—(2012, 4th Quarter) UX Magazine, Book Review “Diagramming: Making the Invisible Visible” Vol. 11, Issue 4 Page 30 & 32.

—(2012, 3rd Quarter) UX Magazine On the Edge “Back to the Future. UX in the past 100 years of Science Fiction”. Vol.11 Issue 3 Page 30

—(2012, 2nd. Quarter) UX Magazine “The Money Machine. Helping Baby Boomers Retire” Vol. 11, Issue 2, Page 24

—(2012, 1st Quarter) UX Magazine, Book Review. “Graphic Design: Two Views” Vol. 11, Issue 1, Page 32

—(2012, March 20th) CGW Online Exclusive “CG in Asia”

—(2011, 4th Quarter) UX Magazine, On the Edge “ Gaming the User Experience” Vol. 10, Issue 4, Page 32

—(2011) Oldenbourg Verlag “Science Fiction and HCI/CHI: Past, Present and Future”

—-, “The Health Machine: Information Design + Persuasion Design = Behavior Change regarding Obesity + Diabetes,” Information Design Journal, 18:4, 2011, 69-89.

—-, “Branding the User Experience,” On the Edge Column, User Experience Magazine, 10:3, 3rd Quarter, 2011, p. 30.

—-, “Playing with Type: The Work of Chang Sik Kim,” Forward, in Typogram: Visual Pun, Exhibition Book, Doo Sung Design Gallery Publishers, Seoul, South Korea, 26 March – 6 April 2011, (in English, Korean, and Chinese), pp. 31-35.

—-. (2011, 1st Quarter). UX Storytelling. User Experience Magazine, 10(1), 30.

—-. (2010, December). GreenMachine,. Design Austria Mittelungen, 4, 4-7.

—-. (2010, July). Do’s and Don’ts of Information Graphics. User Experience Magazine, (9)4, 30.

—-. (2010, November). Almost Dead on Arrival: a Tale of Police, Danger and UX Development, in Bursa. In Jan Jursa (Ed.), UX Storytellers (pp. 197-204).  Online Publication: Jan Jursa.

—-. (2010). Lessons in Usability and UX from the Shakers. User Experience Magazine, 9(3), 30.

—-. (2010). Green Machine Project. DesignNet, 153(6), 114-115.  (In Korean)

—-. (2010). A Modest Proposal: Customized Currency. AIGA. Retrieved from

—-. (2009). Forward. In Sonia Diaz and Gabriel Imago Martinez (Eds.), Mundi: Pictograms, Ideograms, Logos, Symbols, and Signs (pp. 7-9). Barcelona: Promopress,. October 2009.

—-. (2009, July). A Gourmet Meal of Content, Context, and Analysis Awaits You. User Experience Magazine, 8(3), 2.

—-. (2009, July). The Classy Classic: Designing the User Interface. User Experience Magazine, 8(3), 30.

—-. (2009, July). Information Graphics: An Eclectic Celebration. User Experience Magazine, 8 (3), 24-26.

—-. (2009). Visible Language for Global Mobile Communication: A Case Study of a Design Project in Progess. In Constantine Stephanidis (Ed.),The Universal Design Handbook (pp. 637-646).New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers, Division of Taylor and Francis.

—-. (2009). Integrated Information Systems: A Professional Field for Information Designers. Information Design Journal, 17(1), 4-21. Distributed by Benjamin Publishing, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

—-. (2009, April). Forms and Usability. User Experience Magazine, 8(2), 2.

—-. (2009, April). Formally Speaking: Two Guidebooks about Designing Forms. User Experience Magazine, 8(2), 30.

—-. (2009, January). Platinum Perspectives on Usability and User Experience. User Experience Magazine, 8(1), 2.

—-. (2009). Light and Lively: Running a Virtual Design Office. In Sharon Peggenpohl (Ed.), Design Integrations: Research, Methods, Collaboration, pp. 181-201. UK: Intellect.

—-. (2009). Cross-Cultural Design of User Interfaces and Experiences. Webinar, eWorld

—-. (2009, Winter). Cross-Cultural 2009 Greetings. American Institute of Graphic Arts Center for Cross-Cultural Design Newsletter.

—-. (2009, January 4). Opinion: Forget Lincoln, Sell Oprah Right to Put Face on Fiver. San Jose Mercury News, pp. 12A.

—-. (2009, January). Mobility, Usability, and Transportation: Design a Go-Go. User Experience Magazine, 7(4), 2.

—-. (2009, January). Think Locally, Test Remotely. User Experience Magazine, 7(3), 2.

—-. (2008, May). Case Study: LoCoS Website Design. In Sunil Bhatia (Ed.), Newsletter Design for All Institute of India, 3(5). Retrieved from

—-. (2008). My Journey: From Physics to Graphic Design, to User-Interface / Information-Visualization Design. In Mel Alexberg (Ed.), Educating Artists for the Future: Learning at the Intersections of Art, Science, Technology, and Culture (pp.192). Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.

—-. (2008). Case Study: Six Degrees of Separation. In Sunil Bhatia (Ed.), Newsletter Design for All Institute of India, 3(4). Retrieved from

—-. (2008, March). Mapping User-Interface Design to Culture Dimensions. Enterprise Mobility Section, Enterprise Innovator Newsletter. Retrieved from

—-. (2008, February). AM+A Cross-Cultural 2008 Greetings. In Sunil Bhatia (Ed.), Newsletter Design for All Institute of India, 3(2), pp. 107-110. Retrieved from

—-. (2008, February). Case Study 2: Culture vs. Corporate Global Web UI Design. In Sunil Bhatia (Ed.), Newsletter Design for All Institute of India, 3(2), pp. 82-101. Retrieved from

—-. (2008, February). Case Study 1: A Practical Set of Culture Dimensions for Global User-Interface Development. In Sunil Bhatia (Ed.), Newsletter Design for All Institute of India, Vol. 3(2), pp.57-81. Retrieved from

—-. (2008, January). The Greening of Usability. User Experience Magazine 7(1), 2.

—-. (2008, January). More than Skin-Deep: Accessibility through Design. Book Review, User Experience Magazine, 7(1), 22.

—-. (2007). Aaron Marcus celebrates the History of Information Graphics. AIGA Cross-Cultural Design Center. Retrieved from Originally appearing in Visual Business Intelligence Newsletter, published by, March 2007.

—-. (2007). Global/Intercultural User-Interface Design. In J. Jacko and A. Spears (Eds.), Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction, Third Edition (pp. 355-380). New York, NY: Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers.

—-. (2007). The Sun Rises in the East. Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 14(6), 44-45.

—-. (2007, October). Usability and Medical Systems. User Experience Magazine, 6(4), 2.

—-. (2007). Japanese Medical Label Pictogram Discussion. World Usability Day 2007 Webinar with Professor Yukio Ota, Tama Art University, Tokyo, Japan 8 November 2007,

—-. (2007). Am I Pushing Your Buttons? Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 14(5), 44-45.

—-. (2007). Fun! Fun! Fun! In the User Experience. We Just Wanna Have Fun… Don’t We? Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 14(4), 28-49ff.

—-. (2007). Forward. In Lehikoinen, Juha Antti Aaltonen, Pertti Huuskonen, Ilkka Salminen, Antii Aaltonen (Ed.), Personal Content Experience. USA: Wiley, John-Interscience.

—-. (2007). Big Spaces, Big Lives, Big Challenges. Fast Forward Colum, Interactions, 14(3), 46-47.

—-. (2007). Happy Birthday! CHI at 24. Interactions, 14(2), 42-43.

—-. (2007, March). Information Graphics: A Celebration and Recollection. Visual Business Intelligence Newsletter. Published by

—-. (2007). Taxonomies to Tax the Couch-Potato’s Cortex. Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 14(1), 50-51.

—-. (2006). SeniorCHI: The Geezers are Coming! Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 13(6), 48-49.

—-. (2006). From KidCHI to BabyCHI. Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 13(5), 52-53.

—-. (2006). The Semiotics of Hands in Communication. In Jean-Benoit Levy (Ed.),  Hands (71-72ff). Zurich: Lars Mueller.

—-. (2006). Wit and Wisdom: To Where Do We Turn for Advice. Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 13(4), 54-55.

—-. (2006, June). Culture Dimensions and Global User-Interface Development. Design for All Institute of India Newsletter, 1(5), 11-30.

—-. (2006). CHI at the Movies and on TV. Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 13(3), 54-55.

—-. (2006). Knowledge Visualization. Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 13(2), 54-55.

—-. (2006). Dashboards in Your Future. Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 13(1), 48-49ff.

 —-. (2006).With Access for Many, a New Way to Govern. User Experience Magazine, 5(4), 2.

—-. (2006). Sonification: Its Time has Arrived. User Experience Magazine, 5(3), 2.

—-. (2006). Go East, Young Man or Woman. User Experience Magazine, 5(2), 2.

—-. (2006). User Experience: What? So What? Now What? User Experience Magazine, 5(1), 2.

—-, “Mobile UI Design,” LISA Website, [No longer in operation in 2012].

—-, “AM+A White Papers,” LISA Website No longer in operation in 2012].

—-. (2005). Selling Ourselves: Upstream and Downstream. User Experience Magazine, 4(4), 2.

—-. (2005). Design for the Real World: The Next Billion Users. User Experience Magazine, 4(3), 2.

—-. (2005). UX and World Usability Day. User Experience Magazine, 4(2), 2.

—-. (2005). Onward and Upward. User Experience Magazine, 4(1), 2.

—-. (2005). When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do: HCII 2005 Recap. Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 12(6), 48-49ff.

—-. (2005). What Would an Ideal CHI Education Look Like? Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 12(5), 54-55.

—-. (2005). Usability Grows Up: The Great Debate. Fast Forward Column,  Interactions, 12(4), 72-73.

—-. (2005). The Out-of-Box Home Experience: Remote from Reality. Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 12(3), 54-56.

—-. (2005). User Interface Design’s Return on Investment: Examples and Statistics. In R. G Bias and D.J. Mayhew (Eds.), Cost-Justifying Usability, 2nd Edition (pp. 17-39). San Francisco, CA: Elsevier.

—-. (2005). Dreaming of Robots: An Interview with Bruce Sterling. Interactions, 12(2), 68-70.

—-. (2005). User-Centered Design in the Enterprise. Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 13(1), 18-23.

—-. (2004). It’s About Time. Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 11(6), 16-21.

—-. (2004). Branding 101. Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 11(5), 14-21.

—-. (2004, Fall). The Ins and Outs of Outsourcing. User Experience Magazine, 3(7), 2.

—-. (2004). Guidelines for Effective Use of Color on Display Devices. In Lavette C. Teague (Ed.), Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with UML (pp. 338-340). New York, NY: Pearson Prentice Hall.

—-. (2004). User-Interface Design and Culture. In Nuray Aykin (Ed.), Usability and Internationalization of Information Technology (pp 51-78). New York, NY: Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers.

—-. (2004). Insights on Outsourcing. Fast Forward Column, Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 11(4), 28-34.

—-. (2004, June). Six Degrees of Separation. User Experience Magazine, 16.

—-. (2004). User Experience Planning. Fast Forward Column,  Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 11(3), 28-34.

—-. (2004). User Interfaces of Wireless Mobile Devices. In Roman Longoria (Ed.), Designing Software for the Mobile Context: A Practitioner’s Guide (pp. 135-150). Berlin: Springer Verlag.

—-. (2004, April). Ease-of-Use Equals Use. Software Development Magazine, 38-40.

—-. (2004). Patterns within Patterns. Fast Forward Column,  Interactions, 11(2), 28-34.

—-. (2004). Vehicle User Interfaces. Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 11(1), 40-47.

—-. (2004). The Next Revolution: Rider/driver Vehicle User-Interface Design. Information Design Journal and Document Design, 12(1), 69.

—-. (2003). The Emotion Commotion. Fast Forward Column,  Interactions, 10(6), 28-34.

—-. (2003). When Is a User Not A User? Who Are We? What Do We Do? Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 10(5), 28-34.

—-. (2003). What do UI Designers Think About Protecting their Designs? Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 10(4), 37-43.

—-. (2003, May). 12 myths of Mobile UI Design. Software Development Magazine, 38-40.

—-. (2003). Icons, Symbols, and More. Fast Forward Column,  Interactions, 10(3), 28-34.

—-. (2003). Universal, Ubiquitous, User-Interface Design for the Disabled and Elderly. Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 10(2), 23-27.

—-. (2003). Are You Cultured? New Architect, 8(3), 28-31.

—-. (2003). User-Interface Design and China: A Great Leap Forward. Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 10(1), 21-25.

—-. (2003). Birth/Death of information as art: ‘Body Worlds.’ Information Design Journal+Document Design, 11(3), 246-251. Published by UK:Palgrave.

—-. (2002, Winter). Return on Investment for Usable UI Design. User Experience Magazine, 1(3), 25-31.

—-. (2002). The Cult of Cute. Fast Forward Column, Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 9(6), 29-33.

—-. (2002). Dare We Define User-Interface Design. Fast Forward Column,  Interactions, 9(5), 31-36

—-. (2002). Advanced Vehicle User-Interface and Information-Visualization Design.  Information Visualization Journal, 1(2), 95-102.

—-. (2002). CHI as a Cross-Tribal Community. Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 9(4), 25-29.

—-. (2002). Culture Class vs. Culture Clash. Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 9(3), 31-36.

—-. (2002). Metaphors and User Interfaces in the 21st Century. Fast Forward Column,  Interactions, 9(2), 31-36.

—-. (2002, February) User-Interface Design for Advanced Mobile Devices. Korea Design Monthly, pp. TBD. In Korean.

—-. (2002). Globalization, Localization, and Cross-Cultural Communication in User-Interface Design. In J. Jacko and A. Spears (Eds.), Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 441-463). Mawah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers.

—-(2000 / 2001). User-interface design for air-travel booking:  A case study of Sabre. Information Design Journal, 10(2), 186-206. Netherlands, Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Co. Published by the International Institute for information Design.

—-. (2001, November). References in Mobile User-Interface Design and Culture. ID News, 4-6. Published by the International Institute for information Design.

—-. (2001, February). Intellectual Property Issues in User Interface Design. ID News, 4-6. Published by the International Institute for information Design.

—-. (2001). Extreme Design of Baby Faces for Mobile Devices. Nikkei Design, 2, 84-87. Published in Japan, in Japanese.

—-. (2000). International and Intercultural User Interfaces. In C. Stephanidis (Ed.), User Interfaces for All (pp. 47-63). New York, NY: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.

—-. (2000). Designing the User Interface for a Vehicle Navigation System: A Case Study. In E. Bergman (Ed.), Information Appliances and Beyond: Interaction Design for Consumer Products (pp. 205-255). San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann.

—(2000) User-Interface Design for Motorola Vehicle-Navigation System. A case study of Product Development, AM+A White Paper.

—(1999, May) Visual Design for E-Commerce and Performance Tools. Human Factors in Computing Systems: CHI 99 Extended Abstracts, ACM pp 112 & 113

—-. (1998). Metaphors in User-Interface Design. ACM SIGDOC, 22(2), 43-57.

—-. (1997). Graphical User Interfaces. In M.G. Helander, T.K. Landauer, and P. Prabhu (Eds.), Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 423-44).The Hague, Netherlands: Elsevier Science, B.V.

—-. (1996). Intellectual Property Issues in User-Interface Design. Journal of the Japan Patent Office,186, 8-14.  Published in Japan in Japanese.

—-. (1996). Intellectual Property: The Issues for User-Interface Design. Statements, 11(2), 13-17. Chicago, IL: American Center for Design.

—-. (1996). Icon and Symbol Design Issues for Graphical User Interfaces. In E. del Galdo, and J. Nielsen (Eds.), International User Interfaces (pp. 257-270). New York, NY: Wiley.

—-. (1995). Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs). In D. LaCourse (Ed.), Handbook of Solid Modeling (pp. 18.3-18.18). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

—-. (1995). Making Multimedia Usable: User Interface Design. New Media, 5(2), 98-100.

—-. (1995). Principles of Effective Visual Communication for Graphical User Interface Design. In Baecker, Grudin, Buxton, and Greenberg(Eds.), Readings in Human-Computer Interaction, 2nd Edition (pp. 425-441). Palo Alto, CA: Morgan Kaufman.

—-. (1993, July). User Interface Design in Tomorrow’s Information Products. Axis, 48, 45-51.

—-. (1993). Human Communications Issues in Advanced UIs. Communications of the ACM, 36(4), 101-109.

—(1991) Sign Language: Graphic Designers Try to Break the Language Barrier with Icons. UnixWorld Vol. 8 No.5 pp 63-67

—-. (1990). Readable Programs: A New Challenge for Electronic Publishing. Statements, 6(1), 4-5.

—-. (1990, October). Designing Graphical User Interfaces, Part III. UnixWorld, 135-138.

—-. (1990). Principals of Effective Communication for Graphical User Interface Design: Part 3 [Color]. UnixWorld, 7(10).

—-. (1990, September). Designing Graphical User Interfaces, Part II. UnixWorld, 121-127.

—-. (1990, August). Designing Graphical User Interfaces, Part I. UnixWorld, 107-115.

—-. (1990, August). Self-Fulfilling Forms. Publish, 57-63.

—-. (1990, July). Communication with Color. Computer Graphics World, 114.

—-. (1990). Lost in Hyperspace. Statements, 5(2), 4.

—-. (1989). Independent Computer Graphics Consultant. Computer Graphics, 23(1), 76-78

—-. (1989). Visual Arts: Tips for Icon Design. Computer Graphics Today, 6(1), 24.

—-. (1988). Design Tips for Winning Forms. Computer Graphics Today, 5(11), 27ff.

—-. (1988). Design Tips for Developing Good Form. Publish, 3(6), 68.

—-. (1988). Corporate Graphic Standards. Corporate Publishing, 2(29), 1ff.

—-. (1988, Fall). Ten Commandments of Color. Directions, Electronic Directions Desktop Publishing Newsletter, 2(3), 5.

—-. (1988). Required Reading for Publishers. Corporate Publishing, 2(18), 1ff.

—-. (1988). Color: Still the User’s Call. Corporate Publishing, 2(13), 1ff.

—-. (1988). Design Tips for Developing Good Form. Publish, 3(6), 68.

—-. (1988). Designs on Disk. Corporate Publishing, 2(9), 1ff.

—-. (1988). Navigating Knowledge: Know Business and Show Business. American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) Journal of Graphic Design, 1ff.

—-. (1988). Forms by Design. Corporate Publishing, 2(4), 1ff.

—-. (1988, February). Type, Legibility, and Readability. Corporate Publishing Newsletter, 1(49), 1ff.

—-. (1988). Spatial Displays and Tools in Computer Graphics. Computer Graphics Today, 5(1), 26ff.

—-. (1988). Achieving Design Excellence in Corporate Electronic Publishing Through Clip Art and Layout Libraries. Desktop Publishers Journal, 2(1), 81-89.

—-. (1988). Know Business and Show Business. American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) Journal of Graphic Design, 6(2), 28-29

—-. (1987, December). Exploring Three Faces of Graphics. Corporate Publishing Newsletter, 1(43), 1ff.

—-. (1987). Graphic Design for Computer Graphics.InR. M. Baecker and W.A.S. Buxton, (Eds.), Readings in Human-Computer Interaction: A Multidisciplinary Approach (pp. 320-326). Los Altos, CA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc.

—-. (1987). The Ten Commandments of Color. Color News, Pantone Color Institute Newsletter, 2(2).

—-. (1987). Symbol Libraries for Desktop Publishers. Computer Graphics Today, 4(12), 19ff.

—-. (1987). Classic Cartography Readings. Computer Graphics Today, 4(11), 32ff.

—-. (1987). Guides to Map Design and Cartography. Computer Graphics Today, 4(8).

—-. (1987). Computer Iconographics: Readings on Signs. Computer Graphics Today, 4(7), 19-20.

—-. (1987). Recommended Reading: Workstation Design. Computer Graphics Today, 4(7), 10ff.

—-. (1987). Classics Illustrated: More Required Reading. Computer Graphics Today, 4(6), 11-13.

—-. (1987). Ten Commandments of Color.Monograph, 2.

—-. (1987). Studying the Classics: Required Reading for Desktop Publishers. Computer Graphics Today, 4(5), pp. 11ff.

—-. (1987). A Good CAD/CAM User Interface is No Accident. Computer Graphics ’87 Daily, 4(3), 30ff.

—-. (1986). Clip Art. Interact, 6(12),102ff.

—-. (1986). The Ten Commandments of Color. Computer Graphics Today, 3(11), 7ff.

—-. (1986). Pre-designed Images Cater to Users’ Needs. Computer Graphics Today, 3(9), 7ff.

—-. (1986). Invisible Grid Stands Behind Good Layouts. Computer Graphics Today, 3(6), 7ff.

—-. (1986). Programmers Begin to Reap Graphics Fruit. Computer Graphics ’86 Daily, 3(5), 11ff.

—-. (1986). Proper Color, Type Use Improve Instruction. Computer Graphics Today, 3(5), 48ff.

—-. (1986). Media, Users Help Determine Forms Design. Computer Graphics Today, 3(9), 9ff.

—-. (1985). Uniform Graphics Vital to Decision Support. Computer Graphics Today, 2(8), 7ff.

—-. (1985). Users Must Establish Own Rules for Color. Computer Graphics Today, 2(9), 7ff.

—-, “User Interface Manuals Guide Developers,” Computer Graphics Today, official publication of the National Computer Graphics Association, Vol. 2, No. 7, July 1985, pp. 7ff (no longer publishing).

—-. (1985). Standards Provide Publication Consistency. Computer Graphics Today, 2(5), 7ff.

—-. (1985). Design Workstations Give Artists Powerful Tool. Computer Graphics Today, 2(4), 12ff.

—-. (1985). Business Users Need Design Knowledge. Computer Graphics Today, 2(1), 21ff.

—-. (1984). A Case Study of SEEDIS. The Design Journal, 1(1), 17-23. Society of Typographic Arts, later, American Center for Design

—-. (1984). Icon Design Requires Clarity, Consistency.Computer Graphics Today, 1(5), 7ff.

—-. (1984). Iconic Interfaces and Corporate Identity. UNIX-WORLD, 1(5), 38-46.

—-. (1984). Display Users Now Making Type Decisions.Computer Graphics Today, 1(9), 18ff.

—-. (1984). Exploring Three Faces of Graphics. Computer Graphics Today, 1(1), 7ff.

—-. (1984). Graphic Design for Computer Graphics: Implications for Art and Design Educators. The Computing Teacher, 11(8), 59-61.

—-. (1984, January-February). The Three Faces of Computers. Art Product News, 6(1), p. 1.

—-. (1983). Graphic Design for Computer Graphics. Computers in Industry, 5, 51-63.

—-. (1982, March-April). When Designing Computer Graphics, the Know Business is Show Business. Industrial Design Magazine, 23-30.

—-. (1982). Color: A Tool for Computer Graphics Communication. In D. Greenberg and A. Marcus (Eds.), The Computer Image (pp. 76-90).  Reading, MA: Polaroid Corporation, Addison-Wesley.

—-. (1982). Designing the Face of an Interface. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 2(1), 23-29.

—-. (1982). Computer-Assisted Information Graphics. In J. N. Orr (Ed.), The Complete Computer Graphics for Management Anthology (pp. X1-X10). Chestnut Hill, MA: Management Roundtable, Inc.

—-. (1981). Visualizing Global Interdependencies. Graphic Design, 79, 57-62.

—-. (1981). Maps and Diagrams. The Computing Teacher, 9(1), 55-57.

—-. (1981, July). Graphic Design and Computer Design: Know Business is Show Business. Centerline, Newsletter of the Center for Design (pp. 6-7).

—-. (1980). Computer-Assisted Chart Making From the Graphic Designer’s Perspective. Computer Graphics, 14(3), 247-253

—-. (1979). Vision and Literature.. In Richard Kostelanetz (Ed.), Visual Literature Criticism (pp. 15-21). Carbondale: South Illinois University Press.

—-. (1979, April). Diagramming the Environment: A Crash Course in Urban Graphics. IDEA International Advertising Art, 127-135.

—-. (1979). New Ways to View World Problems. East-West Perspectives, 1(1), 15-22.

—-. (1978). A Computer Graphics Course for the Two Cultures. Computers and Graphics, 3(1), 17-22.

—-. (1978). Hieroglyphs. Computer Graphics and Art, 3(2), 16-17.

—-. (1978, April 21) Basic Rhythm Flows With Jewish Time. The Jewish Press, 22.

—-. (1978, March). Routes, Loops, Transfers, and Dead-Ends. Print, New York, NY, Vol. 32, No. 2, March-April 1978, pp. 49-54.

—-. (1977). At the Edge of Meaning. Visible Language, 11(2), 4-20.

—-, Untitled selected writings on computer art and portfolio of computer graphics, Artist and Computer, Leavitt, R. , (Ed.), Harmony Books, New York, NY: 1976, pp. 13-17.

—-. (1974). An Introduction to the Visual Syntax of Concrete Poetry. Visible Language, 8(4), 333-360.

—-. (1974). Computer Graphics.In J. Ross, and C. Romano (Eds.), The Complete New Techniques in Printmaking (p. 82). New York, NY: The Free Press, MacMillan Publishing Co.

—-. (1973). Computer-Aided Design: An Exploration. The Penrose Annual, 66, 191-198.

—-. (1973). Computer Art: Towards a Second Generation. Print Review, 2, 38-44.

—-. (1973). Computer Graphics Projects in Environmental Form. Working Paper, School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Princeton University, 3.

—-. (1973). Symbolic Constructions. Typographische Monatsblaetter, 92(10), 671-683.

—-. (1973). Making Israel Visible. Print, 27(5), 54-61.

—-. (1972). New Signs Along the Highway. Print, 26(3), 62-67.

—-. (1972). Pop Goes the Eagle. New Republic, 166(5), 24.

—-, Untitled Introduction, “Modern Swiss Posters,” Princeton University Art Museum, Princeton, NJ: 5 November 1971, pp. 1-4.

—-. (1971). The Designer, the Computer, and Two-Way Communication System. Print, 25(3), 34-39.

—-. (1970). New Directions for the AIGA. Journal of the American Institute of Graphic Arts, 13, 3-4.

—-. (1970). Why Today’s Design Training is Inadequate and What Can Be Done About It. Print, 24(2), 28-31, 78.

—-. (1969). Computer Art. Princeton Alumni Weekly. Princeton University, Princeton, NJ.

—-. (1968, Spring). The Computer and the Artist. Eye, 2, 36-39.



This Comprehensive, constantly updated bibliography lists publications by, or about, Aaron Marcus and AM+A.


Baecker, Ronald (2008). “Themes in the Early History of HCI–Some Unanswered Questions.” Interactions, Vol. 15, No. 2, March-April 2008, pp. 22-25.

Baecker, Ronald and Marcus, Aaron (1998). “Printing and Publishing C Programs,” Software Visualization: Programming as a Multimedia Experience, John Stasko, ed., MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 44-61, ISBN: 0-262-19395-7.

Baecker, Ronald and Marcus, Aaron (1990). Human Factors and Typography for More Readable Programs, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, ISBN 0-201-10745-7.

Beddard, Honor, and Dodds, Douglas. (2009). Digital Pioneers, London: Victoria and Albert Museum Publishing, Includes examples of early computer graphics of Aaron Marcus.

Carliner, Saul (2006).”About Designing, trends, culture differences and myths: An interview with Aaron Marcus.” Information Design Journal, 14:3, pp.200-205.

Fierro, Ed (2001). “Getting the Picture,” ID Magazine, Vol. 48, No. 3, May 2001, ppl. 64-67. An interview about icon design.

Ford, Gabrielle Ford, Kotzè, Paula, and Marcus, Aaron (2005). “Cultural Dimensions: Who is Stereotyping Whom?” Proc. HCI International Conference, 22-27 July 2005, Las Vegas, NV, #1049 pdf, unpaged conference CD.

Gaddy, Catherine, and Marcus, Aaron (2006). “Analyze This: A Task Analysis Primer for Web Design.” User Experience, 5:1, 2006, pp. 20-23.

Harrison, Zelda (2009). “Does Good Design Lead to Good Decision-Making? An Interview with Aaron Marcus.” American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) Center for Cross-Cultural Design (XCD) blog, 4 January 2009,

Herzogenrath, Wulf, and Nierhoff-Wielf, Barbara, Eds. (2007). “Aaron Marcus, [Work of]” in Ex-Machina: Early Computer Graphics up to 1979 in the Franke collections and other foundations at the Kunsthalle Bremen. Catalogue for the exhibit at the Kunsthalle Bremen, Germany, 17 June – 26 August 2007, pp. 410 – 413.

Inoue, Shigeki (2007). “Interview with Aaron Marcus.” Yomiuri Newspaper, Tokyo, Japan, 2 August 2007, in Japanese. On the Web:

Jean, Jérémie, and Marcus, Aaron  (2009). “Green Machine: Mobile  Information Design to Encourage Energy Conservation.” User Experience (UX), 8:4, 4Q09 pp. 20-29.

Jean, Jérémie, and Marcus, Aaron  (2009. “Green Machine: Designing Mobile  Information Displays to Encourage Energy Conservation.” Proceedings, Designing Data for Decisions Conference at the OECD, 18-20 June, Paris, France, sponsored by the  International Institute for Information Design, Vienna,  Austria, pp. tbd (in press).

Karniel, Gal (2006).”The Product Must Reveal Itself to Us.” Ha-Aretz (Israel) Newspaper. 26 January 2006, p.5T, in Hebrew.

Marcus, Aaron (2010). “Almost Dead on Arrival: a Tale of Police, Danger, and UX Development.” in Bursa, Jan, Ed., UX Storytellers. Online Publication, November 2010, pp. 197-204, available through and

Marcus, Aaron (2010). “Do’s and Don’ts of Information Graphics.” User Experience (UX), 9:4, 4Q10, p. 30.

Marcus, Aaron (2010). “GreenMachine.” Design Austria Mittelungen. 4 December 2010. No. 4. pp 4 – 7 (in German).

Marcus, Aaron (2010). “Green Machine Project.” DesignNet. 153:6, June 2010, pp. 114-115 (in Korean).

Marcus, Aaron (2010). “Lessons in Usability and UX from the Shakers.” User Experience Magazine, 9:3, 3Q10, p. 30.

Marcus, Aaron (2010). “A Modest Proposal: Customized Currency.” AIGA Website, 19 January 2010.

Marcus, Aaron (2009). “Aaron Marcus Celebrates the History of Information Graphics.” AIGA Cross-Cultural Design Center Blog with downloadable bibliography. Originallly apprearing in Visual Business Intelligence Newsletter, published by, March 2007.

Marcus, Aaron (2009). “Book Review: Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction, by Ben Shneiderman and Catherine Plaisant.” Information Design Journal, 17:2, pp. 155-156.

Marcus, Aaron (2009). “The Classy Classic: Designing the User Interface.” Book Review of Shneiderman, Ben,  Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction, Fifth Edition.”  User Experience Magazine. Vol. 8, No. 3, 3Q09, p. 30.

Marcus, Aaron (2009). “Forms and Usability.” User Experience Magazine (UX). Vol. 8 No. 2, 2Q09, p. 2.

Marcus, Aaron (2009). “Formally Speaking: Two Guidebooks about Designing Forms.”  User Experience Magazine (UX), Vol. 8, No. 2, 2Q09, p. 30.

Marcus, Aaron (2009). “Forward.” in Diaz, Sonia, and Martinez, Gabriel, Imago Mundi: Pictograms, Ideograms, Signs for Utility, Usefulness, and Pleasure. Barcelona: Promopress, pp. 7-9.

Marcus, Aaron (2009). “A Gourmet Meal of Content, Context, and Analysis Awaits You.” User Experience Magazine, Vol. 8, No. 3, 3Q09, p. 2.

Marcus, Aaron (2009). “Information Graphics: An Eclectic Celebration.”  User Experience Magazine, Vol. 8, No. 3, 3Q09, pp. 24-26.

Marcus, Aaron (2009). “Integrated Information Systems: A Professional Field for Information Designers.” Information Design Journal. Vol. 17, No. 1. pp 4-21, 1 July 2009, Copyright 2009 by Benjamin Publishing, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Marcus, Aaron (2009). “Light and Lively: Running a Virtual Design Office.” in Poggenpohl, Sharon, et al, Eds., Design Integrations: Research, Methods, Collaborat UK: Intellect Ltd. In press.

Marcus, Aaron (2009). “Mobility, Usability, and Transportation: Design a Go-Go.” User Experience Magazine (UX), Vol. 7, No. 4. p. 2.

Marcus, Aaron (2009). “More than Skin-Deep: Accessibility through Design.” Book Review. User Experience Magazine (UX), Vol. 7, No. 1, 1Q09, p. tbd (in press).

Marcus, Aaron (2009). “Opinion: Forget Lincoln, Sell Oprah Right to Put Face on Fiver.” San Jose Mercury News, 4 January 2009, pp. 12A.

Marcus, Aaron (2009). “Platinum Perspectives on Usability and User Experience.” User Experience Magazine (UX), Vol. 8, No. 1, p. 2.

Marcus, Aaron (2009).  “Survey of User-Experience Development Leaders in Enterprise Software Companies,” Proceedings,  UPA 2009, 16-20 July 2009, Portalnd, OR,  (in press).

Marcus, Aaron (2009). Two computer-graphics  art works (“Urbane Nova,” 1972/74, and  “Evolving Gravity,” 1972/74) published in Beddard, Honor, and Dodds, Douglas, Eds., Digital Pioneers. London: V&A Publishing, Victoria and Albert Museum. pp. 25-26.

Marcus, Aaron  (2009).  “User-Experience Development,” Proceedings, HCI International 2009, 18-24 July, San Diego, CA (in press).

Marcus, Aaron (2009). “Visible Language for Global Mobile Communication: A Case Study of a Design Project in Progress.” In Stephanidis, Constantine, Ed., The Universal Design Handbook. New York: CRC Press, Division of Taylor & Francis, Chapter 39, pp. 637-646 (39.1-39.10).

Marcus, Aaron (2008) “Interview: Face to Face with Aaron Marcus, President, Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.” in Bhatia, Sunil, Editor: Newsletter, Design for All Institute of India, June 2008, Vol. 3, No. 6, pp. 73-86,

Marcus, Aaron (2008) “Case Study :LoCoS Website Design.” in Bhatia, Sunil, Editor: Newsletter, Design for All Institute of India, May 2008, Vol. 3, No. 5, pp. 82-105,

Marcus, Aaron (2008) “Case Study :Six  Degrees of Separation.” in Bhatia, Sunil, Editor: Newsletter, Design for All Institute of India, April 2008, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 132-36,

Marcus, Aaron (2008). “Mapping User-Interface Design to Culture Dimensions.” Enterprise Mobility Section, Enterprise Innovator Newsletter Online, Technology, posting 19 March 2008, 9 pp.,

Marcus, Aaron (2008) “Case Study 1: A Practical Set of Culture Dimensions for Global User-Interface Development.” in Bhatia, Sunil, Editor: Newsletter, Design for All Institute of India, February 2008, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 57-81,

Marcus, Aaron (2008). “My Journey: >From Physics to Graphic Design, to User-Interface / Information-Visualization Design,” in Alexenberg, Mel, Editor, Educating Artists for the Future: Learning at the Intersections of Art, Science, Technology, and Culture. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, distributed for Intellect, Ltd.,London,  United Kingdom, 192 p., 20 halftones. 7 x 9, Cloth COBE/EU $60.00,  ISBN: 978-1-84150-191-8  (ISBN-10: 1-84150-191-3) Spring 2008.  In Educating Artists for the Future, some of the world’s most innovative thinkers about higher education in the arts offer fresh directions for educating artists and designers for a post-digital future. A group of artists, researchers, and teachers from a dozen countries here redefine art at the interdisciplinary interface where scientific inquiry and new technologies shape aesthetic values. This volume offers groundbreaking guidelines for art educators,
demonstrating how the interplay between digital and cultural systems calls for alternative pedagogical strategies that encourage student-centered interactive learning.

Marcus, Aaron (2008). “The Greening of Usability.” User Experience Magazine (UX), Vol. 7, No. 1, 1Q08, p. 2.

Marcus, Aaron (2008). “More than Skin-Deep: Accessibility through Design,” Book Review, User Experience Magazine (UX), Vol. 7, No. 1, 1Q08, p. 22.

Marcus, Aaron (2007). “Japanese Medical Label Pictogram Discussion.” World Usability Day 2007 Webinar, with Prof.Yukio Ota, Tama Art University, Tokyo, Japan, 8 November 2007,

Marcus, Aaron [2007]. “The Sun Rises in the East.” Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 14: 6, November-December 2007, pp. 44-45

Marcus, Aaron (2007). “Usability and Medical Systems.” User Experience Magazine (UX). Vol.6, No. 4, 4Q07., p2.

Marcus, Aaron [2007]. “Am I Pushing Your Buttons?” Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 14: 5, September-October 2007, pp. 44-45.

Marcus, Aaron [2007]. “Fun! Fun! Fun! In the User Experience. We Just Wanna Have Fun…Don’t We?.” Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 14: 4, July-August, 2007, 28-49ff.

Marcus, Aaron [2007]. “Big Spaces, Big Lives, Big Challenges.” Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 14: 3, May-June 2007, 46-47.

Marcus, Aaron (2007).  “Forward,” Lehikoinen et al, Personal Content Experience,  John Wiley, UK.

Marcus, Aaron (2007). “Happy BIrthday! CHI at 25.” Interactions, 14:2, March-April 2007, pp. 42-43.

Marcus, Aaron,. “m-LoCoS UI: a Universal Visible Language for Global Mobile Communication.” Proc., Human-Computer Interaction International, Bejing, China, 22-27 July 2007, pp. TBD (in press).

Marcus, Aaron (2007). “Global/Intercultural User-Interface Design.” In Sears, Andrew, and Jacko, Julie, Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction, 2nd, rev. edition. Mawah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Chapter 18, pp.355-379.

Marcus, Aaron (2007). “Information Graphics: A Celebration and Recollection.” Visual Business Intelligence Newsletter, published by, March 2007.

Marcus, Aaron (2007). “Taxonomies to Tax the Couch-Potato’s Cortex.” Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 14: 1, January-February, 2007. pp 50-51.

Marcus, Aaron (2006). “SeniorCHI: The Geezers are Coming!” Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 13:6, November-December 2006, pp. 48-49.

Marcus, Aaron (2006). “From KidCHI to BabyCHI.” Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 13:5, September-October 2006, pp. 52-53.

Marcus, Aaron (2006). “Cross-Cultural User-Experience Design.” In Barker-Plummer, David, Cox, Richard, and Swoboda, Nik, Eds., Diagrammatic Representation and Inference , Proc.,  4th International Conference, Diagrams 2006, Stanford, CA, USA, 28-30 June 2006, pp. 16-24. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.

Marcus, Aaron (2006) “Wit and Wisdom: To Where Do We Turn for Advice.” Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 13:4, July-August 2006, pp. 54-55.

Marcus, Aaron (2006). “AM+A White Papers,” LISA Website,

Marcus, Aaron (2006). “Culture Dimensions and Global User-Interface Development.” Design for All Institute of India Newsletter, June 2006,1:5, pp. 11-30.

Marcus, Aaron (2006). “CHI at the Movies and on TV.”Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 13:3, May-June 2006, pp. 54-55.

Marcus, Aaron (2006). “Knowledge Visualization.” Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 13:2, March-April 2006, pp. 54-55.

Marcus, Aaron (2006). “Dashboards in Your Future.” Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 13:1, January-February 2006, pp. 48-49ff.

Marcus, Aaron (2006). “Go East, Young Man or Woman.” User Experience, 5:2, 2006, pp. 2.

Marcus, Aaron (2006). “Mobile UI Design.” LISA Website,

Marcus, Aaron (2006). “Sonification: Its Time has Arrived.” User Experience, 5:3, 2006, p. 2.

Marcus, Aaron (2006). “The Semiotics of Hands in Communication.” In Levy, Jean-Benoit, Ed. Hands. Zurich: Lars Mueller, pp. 71-72ff.

Marcus, Aaron (2006). “User Experience: What? So What? Now What?” User Experience, 5:1, 2006, p. 2.

Marcus, Aaron (2006). “With Access for Many, a New Way to Govern.” User Experience, 5:4, 2006, p. 2.

Marcus, Aaron (2005). “When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do: HCII 2005 Recap”, Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 12:6, November/December 2005, pp. 48-49ff.

Marcus, Aaron (2005). “What Would an Ideal CHI Education Look Like?.” Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 12:5, September/October 2005, pp. 54-55.

Marcus, Aaron (2005). “Usability Grows Up: The Great Debate,” Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 12:4, July/August 2005, pp. 72-73.

Marcus, Aaron (2005). “The Out-of-Box Home Experience: Remote from Reality.” Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 12:3, May/June 2005, pp. 54-56.

Marcus, Aaron (2005). “Dreaming of Robots: An Interview with Bruce Sterling.” Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 12;2, March/April 2005, pp. 68-70.

Marcus, Aaron (2005).” User-Centered Design in the Enterprise.” Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 13-1, January/February 2005, pp.18-23.

Marcus, Aaron (2005). “Design for the Real World: The Next Billion Users.” User Experience, 4:3, 2005, p. 2.

Marcus, Aaron (2005). “Onward and Upward.” User Experience, 4:1, 2005, p. 2.

Marcus, Aaron (2005). “Selling Ourselves: Upstream and Downstream.” User Experience, 4:4, 2005, p. 2.

Marcus, Aaron (2005). “User Interface Design’s Return on Investment: Examples and Statistics.” Chapter 2 in Bias, R. G., and Mayhew, D.J.., (Eds.), Cost-Justifying Usability, 2nd Edition. San Francisco: Elsevier, pp. 17-39

Marcus, Aaron (2005). “User Interfaces of Wireless Mobile Devices.” In Longoria, Roman, ed., Designing Software for the Mobile Context: A Practitioner’s Guide, Chapter 6. Berlin: Springer Verlag, pp. 135-150.

Marcus, Aaron (2005). “User-Interface Design and Culture.” In Aykin, Nuray, ed., Usability and Internationalization of Information Technology, Chapter 3. New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers, 51-78.

Marcus, Aaron (2005). “UX and World Usability Day.” User Experience, 4:2, 2005, p. 2.

Marcus, Aaron (2004). “Birth/Death of information as art: ‘Body Worlds’,” Information Design Journal+Document Design. UK: Palgrave, 11:2/3, 2002/03, pp. 246-251.

Marcus, Aaron (2004). “It’s About Time.” Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 11:6, November-December 2004, pp. 16-21.

Marcus, Aaron (2004). “Branding 101.” Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 11:5, September-October 2004, pp. 14-21.

Marcus, Aaron (2004). “The Ins and Outs of Outsourcing.” User Experience, 3:7, Fall 2004, p. 2.

Marcus, Aaron (2004). “Insights on Outsourcing.” Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 11:4, July-August 2004, pp. 28-34.

Marcus, Aaron (2004). “Six Degrees of Separation,” User Experience, June 2004, pp. 16.

Marcus, Aaron (2004). “User Experience Planning,” Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 11:3, May-June 2004, pp. 28-34.

Marcus, Aaron (2004). “Patterns within Patterns,” Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 11:2, March-April 2004, pp. 28-34.

Marcus, Aaron (2004). “Vehicle User Interfaces,” Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 11:1, January-February 2004, pp. 40-47.

Marcus, Aaron (2004). “Guidelines for Effective Use of Color on Display Devices,” in Teague, Lavette C., Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with UML. New York: Pearson Prentice Hall, pp. 338-340, ISBN: 0-13-143406-3.

Marcus, Aaron (2004). “The Next Revolution: Rider/driver vehicle user-interface design.” Information Design Journal and Document Design, Vol. 12, Number 1, 2004, p. 69.

Marcus, Aaron (2004). “The Next Revolution:Rider/driver vehicle user-interface design.” Conference Lecture Summaries, Information Design Journal, 12:1, 2004, p. 69.

Marcus, Aaron (2003). “The Emotion Commotion,” Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 10:6, November-December 2003, pp. 28-34.

Marcus, Aaron (2003). “When Is a User Not A User? Who Are We? What Do We Do,” Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 10:5, September-October 2003, pp. 28-34.

Marcus, Aaron (2003). “What do UI Designers Think About Protecting their Designs?,” Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 10:4, July-August 2003, pp. 37-43.

Marcus, Aaron (2003). “Vehicle User-Interface Design,” Proceedings, Human-Computer Interface International, Crete, Greece, June 2003, pp. tbd.

Marcus, Aaron (2003). “Icons, Symbols, and More,” Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 10:3, May-June 2003, pp. 28-34.

Marcus, Aaron (2003). “12 myths of Mobile UI Design,” Software Development Magazine, May 2003, pp. 38-40. See:

Marcus, Aaron (2003). “Ease-of-Use Equals Use,” Software Development Magazine, April 2004, pp. 38-40.

Marcus, Aaron (2003). “Universal, Ubiquitous, User-Interface Design for the Disabled and Elderly,” Fast Forward Column, Interactions, 10:2, March-April 2003, pp. 23-27.

Marcus, Aaron (2003). “Are You Cultured?” New Architect, 8:3, 28-31.

Marcus, Aaron (2003). “User-Interface Design and China: A Great Leap Forward” Fast-Forward Column, Interactions, ACM Publisher,, 10:1, January/February 2003, pp. 21-25.

Marcus, Aaron (2002). “Return on Investment for Usable UI Design,” User Experience, Usability Professional Association’s Magazine, 1:3, Winter 2002, 25-31.

Marcus, Aaron (2002). “The Cult of Cute,” Fast-Forward Column, Interactions, ACM Publisher,, 9:6, November/December 2002, pp. 29-33.

Marcus, Aaron (2002). “Dare We Define User-Interface Design,” Fast-Forward Column, Interactions, ACM Publisher,, 9:5, September/October 2002, pp. 31-36 .

Marcus, Aaron (2002). “Advanced Vehicle User-Interface and Information-Visualization Design.” Information Visualization Journal, 1:2, 9 Sep 2002, Palgrave Macmillan, United Kingdom, pp. 95-102.

Marcus, Aaron (2002).”CHI as a Cross-Tribal Community,” Fast-Forward Column, Interactions, ACM Publisher,, 9:4, July/August 2002, pp. 25-29.

Marcus, Aaron (2002). “Culture Class vs. Culture Clash.” Fast-Forward Column, Interactions, ACM Publisher,, 9:3, May/June 2002,31-36.

Marcus, Aaron (2002). “Metaphors and User Interfaces in the 21st Century.” Fast-Forward Column, Interactions, ACM Publisher,, 9:2, March/April 2002, 31-36.

Marcus, Aaron (2002). “User-Interface Design for Advanced Mobile Devices” (in Korean). Korea Design Monthly. February 2002, pp. tbd.

Marcus, Aaron (2002). “Globalization, Localization, and Cross-Cultural Communication in User-Interface Design,” in Jacko, J. and A. Spears, Chapter 23, Handbook of Human-Computrer Interaction. Mawah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers, 2002, pp. 441-463.

Marcus, Aaron (2002). “User-Interface Design and Culture Dimensions.” Internationalization Workshop. Proceedings. ACM SIGCHI CHI-2002, Minneapolis, MN, 21-24 April 2002, not circulated.

Marcus, Aaron (2001). “References in Mobile User-Interfacae Design and Culture,” ID News, International Institute for Information Design, Vienna, Austria, November 2001, pp. 4-6,

Marcus, Aaron (2001). “Extreme Design of BabyFaces for Mobile Devices, Nikkei Design (Japan, in Japanese), No. 2, February 2001, pp. 84-87.

Marcus, Aaron (2001). “Intellectual Property Issues in User Interface Design,” ID News, International Institute for Information Design, Vienna, Austria, February 2001, pp. 4-6,

Marcus, Aaron (2001). “User-interface design for air-travel booking: A case study of Sabre.” Information Design Journal, 10:2, 186-206. Published for the International Institute for Information Design by John Benjamins Publishing Co., Amsterdam, The Netherlands,

Marcus, Aaron (2000). “Designing the User Interface for a Vehicle Navigation System: A Case Study,” chapter in Bergman, Eric, editor, Information Appliances and Beyond: Interaction Design for Consumer Products, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, 2000, ISBN:1-55860-600-9,, pp. 205-255.

Marcus, Aaron (2000). “International and Intercultural User Interfaces,” in User Interfaces for All, ed. Dr. Constantine Stephanidis, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers, New York, 2000, pp. 47-63.

Marcus, Aaron (1999). “Globalization of User-Interface Design for the Web,” in Proceedings, 1st International Conference on Internationalization of Products and Systems (IWIPS), Girish Probhu and Elisa M. Delgaldo, eds., 22-22 May, 1999, Rochester, NY, Backhouse Press, Rochester, NY, USA, ISBN: 0-965691-2-2, pp. 165-172.

Marcus, Aaron (1998). “Metaphors in User-Interface Design,” ACM SIGDOC (Special Interest Group on Documentation), Vol, 22, No.2, May 1998, pp. 43-57, ISSN 0731-1001.

Marcus, Aaron (1997). “Graphical User Interfaces,” Chapter 19, in Helander, M.G., Landauer, T.K., and Prabhu, P., Eds., Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction, Elsevier Science, B.V., The Hague, Netherlands, 1997, ISBN:0-444-4828-626, pp. 423-44.

Marcus, Aaron (1996). “Icon and Symbol Design Issues for Graphical User Interfaces”, Chapter 13 in del Galdo, Elisa M., and Jakob Nielsen, eds., International User Interfaces, Wiley, New York, 1996, ISBN:0-471-12965, pp. 257-270.

Marcus, Aaron (1996). “Intellectual Property Issues in User-Interface Design” (in Japanese), Journal of the Japan Patent Office, Tokyo, Japan, No. 186, April 1996, pp. 8-14.

Marcus, Aaron (1995). “Principles of Effective Visual Communication for Graphical User Interface Design,” in Readings in Human-Computer Interaction, 2nd Edition, Ed. Baecker, Grudin, Buxton, and Greenberg, Morgan Kaufman, Palo Alto, 1995, pp. 425-441, ISBN: 1-55860-246-1.

Marcus, Aaron (1979). “An Introduction to the Visual Syntax of Concrete Poetry,” Visible Language, Vol. 8, No. 4, Autumn 1974, pp. 333-360.

Marcus, Aaron (1979). “Visual Rhetoric in a Pictographic-Ideographic Narrative.” In Proceedings of the Second Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies, pp. 1501-1508. New York: Mouton Publishers.

Marcus, Aaron, and Alexander, Chava (2007). “m-LoCoS UI: a Universal Visible Language for Global Mobile Communication.” Proc., Human-Computer Interaction International, Bejing, China, 22-27 July 2007, pp. TBD (in press).

Marcus, Aaron, and Alexander, Chava (2007). “User Validation of Cultural Dimensions of a Website Design.” Proc., Human-Computer Interaction International, Bejing, China, 22-27 July 2007, pp. TBD (in press).

Marcus, Aaron, and Baumgartner, Valentina-Johanna (2004). “A Practical Set of Culture Dimensions for Global User-Interface Development.” In Masood Masoodian, Steve Jones, Bill Rogers , Ed., Proc. of Computer Human Interaction: 6th Asia Pacific Conference, APCHI 2004, Rotorua, New Zealand, 29 June 29-2 July 2004, Volume 3101 / 2004 , p. 252-261. Berlin: Springer-Verlag GmbH, ISSN: 0302-9743, ISBN: 3-540-22312-6, Online at (06 Mar 2005).

Marcus, Aaron, and Baumgartner,Valentina-Johanna (2004). “Mapping User-Interface Design Components vs. Culture Dimensions in Corporate Websites,” Visible Language Journal, MIT Press, 38:1, 1-65, 2004.

Marcus, Aaron, Baumgartner Valentina-Johanna, and Chen, Eugene (2003). “User-Interface Design and Culture Dimensions” Proceedings, Human-Computer Interface International Conference, Crete, Greece, June 2003, pp. TBD.

Marcus, Aaron, Baumgartner, Valentina-Johanna, and Chen, Eugene (2003). “User-Interface Design vs. Culture.” Proceedings, International Conference on Internationalization of Products and Services (IWIPS 2003), July 2003, Berlin, Germany, pp. 67-78 .

Marcus, Aaron, and Chen, Eugene. (2002). “Designing the PDA of the Future.” Interactions, ACM Publisher,, 9:1, January/February 2002, 32-44.

Marcus, Aaron, and Gasperini, Jim (2006). “Almost Dead On-Arrival: A Police Emergency Communication System.” Interactions, Interactions, 13:5, September-October 2006, pp. 12-18.

Marcus, Aaron, and Gould, Emilie W. (2000). “Crosscurrents: Cultural Dimensions and Global Web User-Interface Design,” Interactions, ACM Publisher,, Vol. 7, No. 4, July/August 2000, pp. 32-46.

Marcus, Aaron, and Gould, Emilie W. (2000). “Cultural Dimensions and Global Web User-Interface Design: What? So What? Now What?” Proc., 6th Conference on Human Factors and the Web, 19 June 2000, University of Texas, Austin, TX.

Marcus, Aaron, and Jean, Jeremie (2009).  “Going Green at Home: The Green Machine,” IDJ, 17(3). pp 233-243.

Marcus, Aaron, and Jean, Jeremie (2009). “The Green Machine, Going Green at Home,” User Experience, Vol. 8, No. 4 , 4Q09, pp. 20-29.

Marcus, Aaron and Letz, Grant (2009). “Multimedia for Corporate Presentations and Training.” The Adept Library Series: Volume 1, pp 23-33.

Marcus, Aaron, and Park, Seonghee (2005). “Wrist-Top User-Interface Design.” Proc., HCI International, July 2005, Las Vegas, NV, pp. TBD.

Marcus, Aaron, and Perez, Angel (2007). “m-YouTube Mobile UI: VIdeo Selection Based on Social Influence.” Proc., Human-Computer Interaction International, Bejing, China, 22-27 July 2007, pp. TBD (in press).

Marcus, Aaron, and Rau, Pei-Lue Patrick (2007). “International and Intercultural User Interfaces,” in User Interfaces for All, Chapter, 2nd, ed. Dr. Constantine Stephanidis, Chapter, 2nd rev. edition, Mawah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers, pp. TBD (in press).

Marcus, Aaron and  Rau, Pei-Luen Patrick (2009). “International and Intercultural User Interfaces,” in Stephanidis, Constantine, (Ed.), The Universal Design Handbook, New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers, Division of Taylor and Francis, Chapter 9, 2009, pp. 125-135.

Marcus, Aaron, Smilonich, Nick and Thompson, Lynne (1994). The Cross-GUI Handbook for Multiplatform User-Interface Design, Addison-Wesley, Reading, 1994, ISBN 0-201-57592-2.

Marcus, Aaron, and Van Dam, Andries (1991). “User-Interface Developments for the Nineties.” ACM Communications, 24:9, September 1991, pp. 49-57, ISSN: 001809162.

Marcus, Aaron, et al. (1992). “Shape Up Your Documents.” Marketing brochure, Xerox Font Services, El Segundo, California, Doc. No. 610P51268, October 1992, 20 pp.

Marcus, Aaron, et al. (1999). “Globalization of User-Interface Design for the Web,” Proc., 5th Conference on Human Factors and the Web, 3 June 1999, NIST, Gathersburg,MD.

Marcus, Aaron, et. al. (2007). “So You Want to Be a RockStar (Usability Consultant).” Proc., Usability Professionals Association Nat.Conf., 11-15 June 2007, Austin, TX, panel statement, pp. TBD (in press).

Messenheimer, Susan (2005). “Why Aren’t Developers Buying Into Third-Party Components.” Software Development Times. Quotes Aaron Marcus.

Munro, Mara (2007).  “Internet Design and Culture: Unravelling the Tangled Web.” Feature article, Intercultures Magazine (online publication), Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada,  4Q07, October-December 2007 issue.

Padda, Harkirat, Sudhir Mudur, Ahmed Seffah, and Yojana Joshi (2008). “Comprehension of Visualization Systems: Towards Quantitative Assessment.” Proc., First International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interaction (ACHI 2008), 10-15 February, 2008, Sainte Luce, Martinique, pp. TBD (in press). Analysis co-based on Aaron Marcus’ principles of visual organization..

Park, Jae Hyun (2006). “Interface Design: AaronMarcus” World Report from America, W.E.B. Magazine, No. 4, April 2006, p. 98

Ray, Rebecca, Editor (2008). “Globalization Challenges for 2008. LISA Website, Globalization Insider, Feature Article.  February 2008.

Wildbur, Peter, and Michael Burke (1999). Information Graphics: Innovative Solutions in Contemporary Design, Thames and Hudson, London, ISBN:0-500-28077-0. Contains extensive AM+A project figures, including Sabre.