CHI Academy Elects Aaron Marcus
The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group for Computer-Human Interaction (SIGCHI) elected Aaron Marcus in 2008 to its highest honor, the CHI Academy. Mr. Marcus is the first designer elected to this, and the award caps his 40-year career in computer graphics and design.
BFMA honors Aaron Marcus with Lifetime Achievement Award
The Business Forms Management Association (BFMA) honored Aaron Marcus with its Lifetime Achievement Award in 2008 at its annual convention for his contributions to forms design.
AIGA Names Aaron Marcus a Fellow
The American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) through its Center for Cross-Cultural Design named Aaron Marcus an AIGA fellow beginning June 2007, the AIGA is the USA’s must prestigious graphic design association with approximately 20,000 members worldwide.
ICOGRADA Names Aaron Marcus Graphic Design Master of the 20th Century
The International Council of Graphic Design Associations (ICOGRADA) included Aaron Marcus in its publication Masters of the 20th Century published in 2000. ICOGRADA represents graphic design organizations and runs numerous conferences and events worldwide.
AXIEM Awards AM+A Design
AM+A earned a Copper AXIEM AWARD, its top honor for excellence in electronic media in 1999. AM+A submitted Understanding HIV and AIDS, an interactive educational CD-ROM developed as part of the Eye-To-Mind series, a series of single-topic multimedia products marketed to science students, companies, and consumers by Cogito Learning Media, Inc.
Applied Arts Awards Annual Includes AM+A
AM+A was chosen for inclusion in the 1998 Applied Arts Awards Annual, a leading publication in Canada. AM+A submitted Unit of Life, an interactive educational CD-ROM developed as part of the Eye-To-Mind series, for which AM+A designed a user interface that puts the content at center stage by minimizing navigation tasks and using interaction to encourage exploration. In an effort to make this product stand out among the competition and enrich the user’s experience, AM+A developed unique interaction tools, for example, users can zoom-in on, pan across, or take “photographs” of the imagery to reveal detailed content.
New York Festivals International Interactive Multimedia Competition Chooses AM+A as Finalist
AM+A achieved finalist status in The New York Festivals 1998 International Interactive Multimedia competition. AM+A submitted An Electronic Companion to Beginning Microbiology and was named a finalist in the category of Education: The Sciences.
AM+A designed and programmed a user-friendly user interface for the series that allows students to navigate quickly to specific concepts they wish to review or test, without wading through material that they already have mastered.
Communication Arts Interactive Design Annual 4 Selects AM+A as a Winner
AM+A was selected by the 1998 jury as a winner for information design in the Communication Arts Interactive Design Annual 4. AM+A’s winning design was Unit of Life: A Visual Primer, one in a series of graphically-rich, educational CD-ROMs developed by Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc., for Cogito Learning Media, Inc. The winning entry appeared on a CD-ROM bundled with the September/October 1998 issue of Communication Arts.
Cyberfest Awards AM+A First Place in The GLAMMIES
AM+A took first place in the GLAMMIES, The Gulch Lightning Awards for Multimedia Excellence, a multimedia competition developed and hosted by IICS, the San Francisco Chapter of the International Interactive Communications Society.
Judges commented that “Understanding HIV and AIDS was far better than almost all other entries…was what multimedia should be…and made the viewers think they were watching an interactive documentary, not a CD-ROM.” The awards were handed out at Cyberfest ’98 on December 3 by San Francisco Supervisor Leslie Katz. AM+A also exhibited products and services at the Cyberfest ’98 showcase.